Realtor tips for social media marketing
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Realtor tips for social media marketing

A study from The National Association of Realtors says 44 percent of homebuyers use the internet to look for properties first. #Socialmedia was cited as the top source for generating high-quality homebuyer leads, followed by MLS.

Here are some further stats from this report:

77 percent of Realtors actively use social media for their business

47 percent of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest-quality leads versus other sources

99 percent of millennials (and 90 percent of baby boomers) begin their home search online (as opposed to in-person referrals)

So, how can you use the power of social media? Here are five top tips to help make you a better #PrinceGeorge realtor.

1. If you are not on social media, you will want to get your realtor profiles up

For starters, get your Facebook Business account going – this is how you will be able to build your brand and use ad dollars to the target market. You may have a personal Facebook page, but you will want a business page. This will allow you to target market and differentiate between business content and personal content. You can ensure that your personal posts and photos of your children are for your close friends, while your listings, sales and tips are for your business page.

Growing your business page is paramount. You can’t advertise with a personal page only. Your business page provides many opportunities for your business, so set it up.

Make sure your Instagram account is also up! Once it is, make it a business profile. This will give you insights and access to analytics and many other opportunities for leveraging your business. You can find out more about that and how to do it here.

2. Your brand:

Establishing your brand is an important next step. Your brand is not just your logo and your colours. Your brand directly affects your reputation. It is what others say about you when you are not in the room. Your brand includes your messaging, vision, goals and tone of your specialty.

Do you focus on a niche area? Do you work with first-time buyers or retirees? Your brand should be ironed out and will dictate your social strategy. What do you want others to know about you? What sets you apart from all other Realtors? Your brand will resonate with others.

3. Quality content:

Once you have your social media profiles, quality content is key. It is not just about posting for the sake of posting. You want to ensure that your posts are valuable, interesting and insightful. Of course, you will want to post your listings and sales (and that is a value add for your clients) but think a bit outside the box. Is there something going on in the industry that your network should know? Changes to mortgage rules? Neighbourhood information? A new restaurant in the area that you sell in? Share your knowledge and insights. Share your tips. Why would a prospect want to work with you? What do you bring to the table? Now share that!

4. Quality real estate images:

They say an image speaks 1,000 words – and on social media there is nothing truer than that. If you have a new listing and your photography is poor resolution and quality, that will have an impact on the listing and your credibility. If you are posting an image or statistic, and the image is blurry or cut off, this will impact perception.

On social media, perception is everything. As a comparison, imagine going into a car dealership to search for a new car, and the car in the showroom is dirty, scuffed up and the interior is filthy. Your listing photos and quality of your creative is paramount and directly impacts how others perceive you and your services.

5. The power of  realtor social media ads:

Due to the influx of content being shared online, organic reach and engagement has decreased exponentially. Social media advertising allows your content to be seen to a network beyond your followers. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide tools to sponsor posts and target market your ideal consumer.

If you are looking for help with your real estate business in Prince George, contact us.

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