Blogging has become more than page filled with personal anecdotes. These days, starting a blog automatically makes you a thought leader in that specific field and it gives you a reputation that can be used to bring more clicks to your website. More clicks to your restaurants website, more foot prints at your restaurant. You can blog about special dishes at your restaurant, maybe even give your audience a few peaks at those dishes with your recipes, talk about local-specific activities and of course, talk about special events happening at your restaurant.
We have become a generation of ADD monkeys. Unless you are an avid reader, most people’s attention span lasts 30 seconds or less. Videos are the only medium which can effectively spread your message in those minuscule seconds. Create a Youtube Channel for your restaurant and start putting out fun and quirky videos which shows your audience that life behind your restaurant, which helps in developing a personal connection with your audience.
No, we are not asking you to pick a fight with your customers. What we mean by getting personal is to forge a personal relationship with your customers by using social media platforms. People are just not interested in deciding what they want to eat based on menus and critic reviews. Engaging your customers with a conversation makes sure you have a customer base with a potential to increase it through word-of-mouth. You can use social media platforms to hold a Q&A session with your head chef, tell your customers short interesting anecdotes of stories that happened at your restaurant and even foster a discussion on latest food trends and how your restaurant is making it better. The important part is to have a back and forth with your customer base.
Choose a monthly or weekly theme to drive your content on social media platforms. Promote this theme with new items on the menu or fancy additions to your restaurant. You can then share this on your social media platforms for maximum exposure. Themes work well to drive content to your customer base. For example, a Pittsburgh takeout restaurant only serves cuisine from countries the United States is in conflict with and every 4 months they change their theme and bring in a new country. They developed content based on the theme, like food wrappers educating the customers about the conflict and menu items representing the country. You don’t have to be that drastic. You can use simpler themes to bring your content to your customers, like Christmas.
Restaurants and social media
Using trending news to develop content for your social media platforms. The term “newsjacking” should be part of your vocabulary, which means to hijack breaking news and develop content based on that and is easily relatable to your customer base. For example, you can rename a dish on your menu with some celebrity’s name who is in the news and market it heavily on your social media platforms. It will bring the clicks and the interest level for your page will increase exponentially because of trending nature of the news.