LinkedIn Events- what marketers need to know!
Nascar and digital marketing
December 19, 2019
LinkedIn Lead Generation
December 29, 2019

LinkedIn Events- what marketers need to know!

The LinkedIn Events feature provides members with an easy way to create and join professional events that interest them. This feature helps grow active, professional communities by building authentic, face-to-face relationships. LinkedIn members can use the feature to connect online with other members so they can meet them offline in a professional capacity.


One of the most important aspects of building professional relationships for our members is being able to meet face to face. Whether at a local networking meet-up, a workshop or an alumni gathering, in-person interactions can help you create and foster deeper professional relationships. In fact, our data says that the chances of people accepting connection requests on LinkedIn increase 2X if they have attended a face-to-face meeting.

With LinkedIn Events, you’ll be able to seamlessly create and join professional events. And invite your connections, manage your event, have conversations with other attendees. And stay in touch online after the event ends.

Ready to plan an Linkedin event? 

Hosting an event can seem daunting, but we’ve made the process easier by giving you features such as the ability to create private events, event update notifications, search filters to invite the right attendees, and the ability to engage with LinkedIn’s 645 million global members.

You can begin by visiting the ‘Community’ panel located on the left side of the newsfeed and click +Create. Next, you would need to provide a description, a date and time, a venue. And then invite your connections using filters such as location, company, industry, and school. We also recommend you share the event as a post to leverage the power of the feed to reach relevant attendees. From your event page, you can easily track attendees and invitees, post updates and interact with other attendees. LinkedIn’s algorithm automatically provides timely and relevant notifications to attendees. In order to make sure they don’t miss any important updates about your event. Members who have joined the event can also invite people from their own networks to attend.

Looking for relevant professional events?

As a member, you can now find professional events on LinkedIn itself. See invites in your ‘My Network’ tab, view the event and choose to attend from there. Discover the events shared by your network in your LinkedIn feed. Once you have chosen to attend an event, you can see the details of who else is going. And connect with other attendees. Share updates, photos and videos with other attendees on a dedicated event page and in your main feed. You can now continue to interact with other attendees and organizers both during and after the event.


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