The danger of buying Facebook likes
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The 7 serious dangers of buying Facebook likes

1. It will hurt your Edgerank.

You may have 10.000 Likes on your Facebook page, but this doesn’t mean you also have engaged audience. And bought fans don’t mean much to your business.

Because they don’t increase your Edgerank.

Edgerank is Facebook’s algorithm that measures your engagement.

Likes, shares, comments, all kinds of interactions.

And it determines which posts will show first in people’s feeds.

If you only post quality and relevant content, people will eventually engage with your content. Which will lead to good Edgerank.

With bought likes, engagement is low which means that no one will actually see your posts. Was this your purpose? I didn’t think so!

2. It will damage your reputation with your customers

Think about it. You see a page with a couple of thousands of likes. So far so good.

And then you scroll down to the first, the second, the fiftieth post and you barely see any likes and comments. Hm, something smells fishy here, right?

Your real followers will understand this as well and then you can say goodbye to your page’s trustworthiness and sales opportunities.

Building a credible, verified Facebook page is a strategy that requires your money, time and effort. But it’s totally worth it.

3. Bad-vertising

Remember. The true purpose of Likes is to help your page reach the desirable audience and raise brand awareness.

Which, like I said before, is not gonna happen if you buy Facebook Likes. So, if you succumb to the temptation you’re basically spending money on people that will never become real customers.

Alex Tachalova, Founder at Digital Olympus comments:

“Each time I hear about buying likes, clicks, links, etc., this funny video by Adobe company comes to my mind. On a general note, I think it’s quite pointless.

What’s the point in getting tons of fake likes that won’t change a thing in your Facebook page engagement? I’d rather spend this budget on thinking over how you could “buy” likes from a target audience. For instance, you can send to your leads and clients some swags in return for liking your page.

This will allow you to have only relevant people among your audience. Some time ago I wrote a solid post about how to keep your SMM engagement above average, and I think you can pick up some ideas from this post as well.”

Once you realize the pointlessness of your decision to buy Facebook likes you will invest on good and effective advertising that is guaranteed to deliver results.

4. Lower organic reach

Organic reach on Facebook is the number of people your posts are exposed to without any paid actions behind them. It’s a very important part of your marketing strategy and you should always pay attention since it changes fast.

Lilach Bullock, Content Marketing Expert, agrees:

“Buying Facebook likes can be very dangerous – and for a lot of different reasons. For one thing, Facebook is pretty good at catching these things so if they see you have a lot of followers, suddenly, and very little engagement, they might just catch on and penalize you too.

It could cut down your potential reach and it could even make it difficult for you to make any Facebook ads to your existing audience – after all, what’s the point if they’re fake and have no interest in your business anyway?”

If the majority of your Likes comes from fake followers, you’re most likely not going to improve your Facebook social reach. Because you are targeting the wrong people. Oops!

5. The danger of being hacked

Facebook Like sellers may sometimes be hackers! Can you imagine the consequences of giving them your payment information?

Yes, you expose your business to a number of web vulnerabilities. Welcome to the dark side of Facebook.

You probably don’t want to hear this but not all sellers are good sellers.

Low-quality ones might be using stock software to manage their payments, which can cause more than one security breach.

Worst case scenario?

Some sellers might even get just enough information to hack your account.

6. Hard Goodbyes

Fake likes come from fake accounts. So, in order to clean your page, you need to remove all the fake users. Which is not as easy as it sounds.

Remember how Facebook deleted 83 million fake accounts but didn’t delete the fake Likes?

That’s probably because removing them is a tedious process that can take forever.

You can start off by reporting fake users so Facebook removes them from the site but this doesn’t remove them from your page. So think twice before blemishing your page.

7. Destroyed analytics

Analytics is one of the strongest weapons of modern marketing.

Without it, it’s impossible to know whether your efforts are profitable or not. But fake likes are killing your analytics.

Because they give you a false image of what actually happens on your page.

Consequently, you will never be able to understand what works and what not.

Or what your next step should be.

A little blue thumbs up may not be catalytic for your business, but it’s an important piece of your marketing mix nonetheless.

Why? Because:

1. They are a kind of social proof

Facebook is all about how your customers see it. And the truth is that a page with few likes doesn’t give out the right message.

A respectable number of Likes helps your page come across as a well-established business in the eyes of your future customers.

On the other hand, if someone sees a fairly new page boasting a few thousand likes they will most probably consider these likes bought.

A good number of likes on your page is great social proof that validates your business in just one visit.

2. They boost brand awareness

Every Like matter.

Because every time someone likes a post of yours, it shows on other people’s feeds.

This way they start remembering your company’s name, recognize it and ideally begin engaging by liking, commenting and sharing.

3. They are prestigious

Practically, Likes don’t mean much.

They are not a true endorsement and don’t correlate to revenue.

But there’s something much deeper here. The way people interpret them.

It might seem shallow but when a visitor sees a page with many likes they realize this is a popular page, which means they will get something helpful. And so they “like” it too!

As Hugh Beaulac, freelance SMM manager and content strategist at MC2 says:

“If it’s tempting for you to buy Facebook likes, don’t hasten to spend money on this idea. In 2019, this idea won’t bring you great results. Modern social media users are smart and savvy; they crave authentic relationships with brands on social media, so it’s more likely they will brush fake Facebook likes aside.

Moreover, having many Facebook likes doesn’t mean having many customers. To acquire customers, you need to put them and their needs first – think about their pain points and try to create content that can solve their problems. Once you start posting useful content, you’re more likely to attract and hook your target audience, and therefore increase the number of Facebook likes without buying them.”

Create unique, useful and relevant posts that your audience will want to share and go the extra mile by creating videos since they are now the #1 type of content that consumers want to see on social media apps.

If they like your posts and think they’re valuable enough they will most likely share them with their friends. Which will then become your friends too!

*(pssst, content is king)

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